It means that you feel called by your heart to help heal the world. And you have chosen to open yourself to the heart call. You may be led to assist on a one on one level or you may feel that working in a group is more your style. There is a vast description of what a healer is. A healer can be a medical professional, a massage therapist, a counselor, a reiki practitioner, an esthetician, a midwife or doula, a dance instructor and any profession that is helping mankind. Whatever avenue you choose, it is one that is very important and needed in the world today.
People need healing on all levels of their being ~ spirit, mind and body. Increasing your knowledge and skill in the many styles of being a healer will allow you to meet a client at the level of their need. Each new skill that you acquire will fill your mental "medical bag," allowing you to pull a tool from it when a new case calls for it.
You have a lifetime of learning to become the best medicine woman that you can be. The journey of learning is one of healing yourself at the same time you are healing others. Often times healers have had some of the hardest challenges to overcome and learn from in life. The tough lessons enable us to understand the depth of pain that other people feel. The more that we can empathize with and understand others, the better healers we can be.
Being a Sacred Medicine Woman means that you will lay down judgments, embrace kindness, give freely, have unattached sympathy, love unconditionally and be guided by your higher self in all choices. The Sacred Medicine Woman retreat has been developed to allow you, the healer, a sacred space to become in touch with yourself at a deeper level and to heal aspects of yourself in a safe and loving space. The intention of the retreat is to teach you some new healing skills to offer others, and at the same time offer you a restful time to nourish and recharge all of YOU ~ spirit, mind and body.
Audio with Myrriah Raimbault
Touch is one of the foundations of healing. There is a strong connection between the mind and emotions in the physical body during a healing session. A touch from the practitioner can have a great impact on the client. A gentle healing touch can help to lower the blood pressure, calm the mind and give a sense of loving security. The intent of the practitioner has a profound effect on the outcome of a healing session. When the practitioner is coming from a place of peacefulness with a clear mind, pure intentions and a loving space, their touch is more powerful than any words could be. There is an energy transfer that is had between the client and practitioner. A healer can consciously be aware of the energetic intent that their touch brings to the person needing healing. Experimenting with different energetic intents can help to hone ones healing skills.
With a partner, sit and face each other. One of you will be the healer and the other will be on the receiving end. As the healer, direct your energetic intention to your hands. In one of your hands, consciously fill it with the purest love energy. In the other hand, consciously fill it with dark, heavy intentions that are not of the highest good. Then, place your hands on your partners hands. If you are the receiver, see if you can feel the difference between the healers two hands. Take your time, feel not only with your physical hands but also with your energetic consciousness. When you feel sure of which hand holds the love energy tell your partner and see if it is correct. It is ok if you don't get it right. This is just an activity to work on honing your personal skills. Please switch roles when you are ready.
PHOTO CREDIT: Big Red Sun Photography
Audio Interview with Brandy Lewis
PHOTO CREDIT: Big Red Sun Photography
The body needs to be free to move with its own innate rhythm sometimes. Dance is the perfect medicine to get the qi energy flowing freely and with ease. Dance gives the body the liberty to move in a unique and one of a kind way. The only perfect dance movement is the one that your body wants to express in the present moment. Dance can be an expression of a lot of different emotions. Maybe when young children have a temper tantrum, that is their anger dance. Ha! Whatever emotion you are feeling, let it be expressed in dance. Leave all judgments and self-criticism at the door. Drop all self-doubt and BE FREE!
Let's have a dance break!!
PHOTO CREDIT: Big Red Sun Photography
Audio Interview with Lindsay Luna
Audio with Myrriah Raimbault
**Create an art project about the chakras, CV meridian and the GV meridian, and how you imagine/feel them in your body.
Audio Interview with Bridget DiLuzio
Moonstone is a special stone. It enhances the feminine aspects of ones nature. It brings awareness and calmness to the person it is working with. Moonstone is called that “feeling” stone. It works with a persons understanding through intuition and emotions, rather than intellectual reasoning. It is a good stone to use with clients who are stuck in their mind and who get caught up in rational thought instead of listening to their inner heart knowing, Holding or meditating with a piece of moonstone can help the fulfillment of ones destiny by providing a connection between the emotional, intellectual, and physical bodies. It allows the person to recognize their progression and actualization as a perfect being. It helps the individual to remove obstacles by releasing or by integration of the perceived obstacle. The energy of moonstone furthers ones evolution by cleansing the chakras, alleviating emotional tension, and brings flashes of insight.
Sit with a piece of moonstone in your hands for 5-10 minutes. Breathe deeply and allow the moonstone to speak directly to you. Journal all the insights, feelings, and messages that you receive.
PHOTO CREDIT: Big Red Sun Photography
Meditation is a practice that can be learned at any age. The benefits of meditation are very personal. It is a practice that is learned by repetition and increasingly deepens as time passes. You can find a master to teach the different styles of meditation or you can read books on the subject. Although, I believe that one must train themself to get to a level of self-mastery. The more that you practice the easier it is to get into the clear mindset of meditation. The clear mindset is one of being in the absolute present moment. A regular meditation practice gives your mind a time of quiet. The brain or mind was created to always be 'on' and to see all the different possibilities of every situation. Meditation can help to give the mind clarity and a break from trying to mentally figure everything out. Meditation allows the meditator to get in touch with the heart, to just 'be' and feel.
Guided Meditation
Guided meditation is a wonderful tool, especially when a person is new to meditation. The mind can be guided to find a calm and peaceful place. When leading another person or group in a guided meditation, it is a good idea to be very present and centered in your own being. Think about what your intention is for the guided meditation. When you are working with a person one on one, create a guided meditation that helps the person heal and grow from their level.
Here is an example of a guided meditation:
Take some deep, slow breathes. With each exhale, feel all of the tension leaving your body. Feel at ease in every muscle. You feel light in your body. Everything is at peace. All is taken care of. This present moment is all there is. Listen to the sound of your breath. The slow and steady inhale. And the purifying exhale. Your breathing is nourishing your body by filling you with the essence of the heavens. This moment is perfect. You feel completely whole. There is no other place to be. Peace is yours. This is the perfect moment. All is well. You are taken care of. You are loved. You are a creation of love. You are pure LOVE.
Audio with Myrriah Raimbault
**Please post your journal entries to our Facebook group.